Posts By Joost Maglev

A status update for 2025

Hi all,

If you’re reading this you might have just stumbled upon my site or heard some of my music. If you’re looking for more, there’s a lot more on my Bandcamp.

After meddling around with some demo albums and stuff, Overwrite The Sin from 2016 is the album I consider my debut album. I’m still pretty proud of it, mostly because of its sleek mixing and self-production.

The follow-up from 2019, Alter Ego, is the album I put my most personal feelings in while dealing with existential issues, which reflects in the deep impact this music can bring on some people. It’s dark but can bring some light and whimsical touches.

Unleaded Blood Plus from 2020 is my Covid project. Mixing a lot of old stuff I did until I was happy and make it a full album. As it stands it’s my latest release.

If you came here to look for more and recent work, I’m afraid to tell you there is none. I’m very much invested in being a good father to my two children (2017, 2021) and being a good husband. I have a lot of fun at my job (I work in computers) and traveling. Though I occasionaly dabble in some music writing and making, I feel the focus to produce something up to the standard I set with OTS, AE and UBP is something I cannot deliver right now. Maybe when I’m over fifty and my kids are old enough to look after themselves for a bit I can ramp up again and finish my last work. There is still one album in me, I know it…

Take care!
