Joost Maglev – Unleaded Blood Plus – available for pre-order now.
Available exclusively on Bandcamp.
Equisa live on the 25th of September with me on bass!
Roosendaalse rockband Equisa na anderhalf jaar weer op het podium: ‘We hebben hier zo’n zin in!’
ROOSENDAAL - Anderhalf jaar trad de Roosendaalse rockband Equisa niet op. Op 25 september komt daar verandering in.
Welcome to this world...
I've tried to create a Spotify playlist with some of the stuff I like or I am inspired by. Can you check if you can see the playlist and listen to it?![]()
If so, enjoy the music!![]()
Please come and visit my Bandcamp this Bandcamp Friday and support me by buying my music. Thanks. 🙂![]()
Corpus Christi is hard for me to write about as it is about things I'm embarrassed about in my past.![]()
To start with, of course the song has a symmetrical counterpart on the Alter Ego album which is Burning Girl. Both songs feature the amazing Australian cinematic prog rocker Ben Craven on guitars and both songs have a counterpart song on my first demo album Voluntary (2005). Corpus Christi's counterpart is Sanguis Christi, a song on the same subject matter.![]()
The songs subject matter is mental abuse, and handles my teenage inability to properly treat girls at the time. I've hurt and even mentally scarred some of these girls, and I'm embarrassed about that. These lyrics are me trying to deal with that. I need to do better and with these songs in mind I'm managing now... That's all I want to say about that.![]()
Sanguis Christi musically needed a second chance as the original sounded all wrong with my limits on music making at the time apparent. I got stuck working on Corpus Christi so I started playing some parts of Sanguis backwards, and that's what made the click. The chords in the verses are the backwards verses of the original song. The vocals for the verses were the original demo vocals as these sounded so good I didn't want to try and record them again. The vocals on the choruses however, just like the choruses on Burning Girl, are recorded using a Shure SM58 dynamic microphone instead of my usual choice of the Røde NT1A condenser mic.![]() the album Alter Ego
One of the things I'm seriously considering doing during these months is preparing and releasing a collection of my songs on vinyl. It would be a kind of 'greatest hits' (though technically I've never had a hit), containing music from Overwrite The Sin, Alter Ego and Unleaded Blood plus and maybe some stuff I have lying around, but then exclusively on vinyl and maybe a Bandcamp digital. A CD wouldn't be necessary since you would still have the original CD albums.![]()
I might also fix some stuff that has been bothering me in the original mixes, or I might get a real drummer for the OTS tracks (including Judith, woopee!) to make it stand out from the computer drums originally on that album. It would probably have to be a double vinyl because else after having selected like 5 tracks the LP is full 😛![]()
Would you be interested in such a thing? Like, really? The thing would probably be on the expensive side for a double vinyl and it would have to be a limited run, not more than say 100 or 200 copies. So I want to make sure it gets bought before I invest a lot in this... I might make is some nice color vinyl though and maybe some splatter in it... The thought of it makes me swoon anyway 😛![]()